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Castlevania - Démonkastély (2017, Castlevania)
Castlevania - Démonkastély: Noktürn (2023, Castlevania: Nocturne)
Castro - Ember és mítosz (2005, Castro: Man and Myth)
Casual Encounters (2016, Casual Encounters)
CAT. 8 (2013, CAT. 8)
Catastrophe (2015, Catastrophe)
Cat Ballou legendája (1965, Cat Ballou)
Catching Out (2003, Catching Out)
Catch My Disease (2010, Catch My Disease)
Catch! - úgyis utolérlek! (2019)
A Cate McCall per (2013, The Trials of Cate McCall)
Caterina a városba megy (2003, Caterina va in citta)
Catherine, a madárka (2022, Catherine Called Birdy)
Catherine Tate Show (2004, The Catherine Tate Show)
Catlow (1971, Catlow)
Cat Person (2023, Cat Person)
Cavite (2006, Cavite)
A Cazalet család (2001, The Cazalets)
CB 4 (1993, CB4)
CBGB (2013, CBGB)
C.B. Strike (2017, C.B. Strike)
Cecil B. Demented (2000, Cecil B. Demented)
Cécile Cassard tizenhétszer (2002, 17 fois Cécile Cassard)
Cecil Hotel - A horror szállodája (2017, Horror at the Cecil Hotel)
Cecilie (2007, Cecilie)
Cédrusliget (2013, Cedar Cove)
Cédrusparki karácsony (2020, Unlocking Christmas)
Cefrekirályok (2011, Moonshiners)
A cég (1993, The Firm)
A cég (2012, The Firm)
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